Art Scanning
high resolution fine Art
We make a high-resolution scan of your artwork – on canvas, paper or any materials- on our state-of the art BetterLight High-Speed Digital Scanning Camera Systems with KinoFlo 4bank Lights. The large format digital scanning back for 4×5 camera is combined with Linhof(German manufacturer) camera body and lenses. BetterLight is highly respected in the professional fine art scanning industry over the world. The resolution of the scanning is 300 ppi.
Artwork Types
We scan any of two-dimensional artworks – acrylic painting, oil painting, pencil drawing, pastel painting, prints (e.g. poster, photographs etc).
Note: No varnished artwork is recommended. Varnished artwork might not be able to be scanned in good shape due to the lights glaring.
From Scanning To Printing
Our role is to help artists who may require some assistance with matching colours and/or retouching images.
Our job is not complete until the artist is satisfied with the final result and we will continually work towards
this goal until it is met. We are always committed to providing a quality service to the client.
We exist to provide artists with the very best experience.
Fine Art Scanning Price
These are sample prices. Please do not hesitate to contact us for a quote.
Size | Price | Notes |
up to 150 square inch | $ 30 | e.g. 10 x 15 or less |
12 x 16 | $ 35 | |
16 x 20 | $ 47 | |
20 x 20 | $ 57 | |
30 x 20 | $ 82 | |
24 x 36 | $ 110 | |
36 x 48 | $ 170 | |
any other sizes | please ask us |
Film Scanning
We scan film from 35mm slides, 4×5 and 8 x 10 transparencies, or colour and B/W negatives on our Epson Perfection v750.
Film type / Quantity | Single | 2 – 10 | Bulk Scan |
35 mm slide, Negative | $ 20 | $ 10 per film | ask us |
4 x 5 | $ 20 | $ 10 per film | ask us |
8 x 10 | $ 20 | $ 10 per film | ask us |
other, irregular size | $ 20 | $ 10 per film | ask us |